Monday 28 February 2011

Reached 3.2 of Block 4 Part 1

I've reached secton 3.2 (Telemedicine on a budget) of Block 4 Part 1. That big fat book for Block 4 is pretty daunting!

This is my effort for Activity 17, asking me to think about a fairly routine visit to a doctor's surgery, and then the ICT systems that could help to avois an actual visit:

A fairly routine visit to the doctor’s surgery:

I’m going to assume that I have a moderate fever. I might need to drive to the surgery, or perhaps take a train if it’s some distance away. When I arrive, a duty nurse may take some personal details such as name, address, contact numbers, etc. (I haven’t registered there before). When I get to see the doctor, I may be asked what my symptoms are. The doctor may measure my pulse, take my temperature, and look at my skin. I may also be asked about my medical history, and about any allergies that I have. Finally, I might be diagnosed and given a written or printed prescription for medicine.

Using typical home or small office ICT equipment, the visit to the surgery might be avoided. I could be presented with an online form to enter my personal details into, and then to select my general ailment from a list, perhaps with a few specific symptom choices. The system might instruct me to measure my own pulse, and to make a choice of how my skin looks. I’m not sure that I could take my own temperature, though! From my choices and measurements feedback, the system could give a tentative diagnosis, and possibly prescribe either some actions for me to take (which might include calling a number for futher questioning and advice, or some medicine.

As it happens, I needed to look more at assisting ICTs such as digital cameras, microphone, web cameras, etc.

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