Wednesday 19 January 2011

Block 3 Part 2 and Interwebnet Woes

Interwebnet has been down for several days, how I survived that long without broadband, I will never quite know :-)

Been cracking on with Block 3 Part 2 - completed:
section 1 ("Bringing the news on the back of a horse")
section 2 ("From newsreels to real news")
section 3 ("Newsgathering now")
- which was all pretty interesting stuff concerned with the development of ICTs in news gathering.

Part-way through section 4 now ("Anatomy of a digital camcorder") which is interesting to me, being a sometime amateur photography enthusiast. The material is showing its age a little though - shows how quickly things move when technical examples seem a little out of date having been written just 5 or 6 years ago!

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