Friday 10 December 2010

Completed Block 2 Part 3 study session 7

I think I might be back on track with the T175 study now. Not easy to find the time and still have an unmashified brain - been very busy at work.

The exercises in study session 7 of Block 2 Part 3 have been useful - reading, connecting and presenting information in your own words. Here is my attempt at writing about the differences between active and passive RFID tags in just a few words:

Differences between Active and Passive RFID tags.

Active RFID tags are powered by batteries, which affords them a long range, of 100 feet or more, but results in them being relatively big and heavy. Passive tags rely upon power generated by a readers RF field, giving them a shorter 1-10 feet range, but leaving them smaller and lighter. Active tags tend to contain read/write random access memory of between 32,000 bytes and 1 MB, whereas passive tags are often limited to read-only memory of up to 128 bits. The cost of active tags is higher than passive tags, and they have a lifetime limited to about 10 years; passive tags are cheaper (although they require more powerful readers) and have a virtually unlimited lifespan.

Carry on...

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