Tuesday 30 November 2010

Block 2 Part 3 Progress

So, I now find myself a few days behind schedule after having started Block 2 Part 2 about a week ahead! I do think that the amount of time suggested for some of the activities is slightly unrealistic, and I hate to skip any activities.

I am now halfway through study session 2 of Block 2 Part 3 - back to the printed book material, which I think I still prefer.

Here's a random photo of me next to the statue of Bill Shankly at Anfield, home of Liverpool FC.

Bill Shankly statue, Anfield, Liverpool.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Block 2 Part 2 Complete

Completed Block 2 Part 2. This block has been about the safety aspects of using the internet.

I am finding it difficult and time-consuming keeping to word limits for activities. I think maybe my notes are too detailed - I need to abstract them a little more, but with the risk of not understanding them later on :-(

Monday 22 November 2010

Sunday 21 November 2010

Web 2.0

I am here.

What a brilliantly made short video this is -as good a graphical explanation of HTML/XML/Web 2.0 as we're likely to see...

Friday 19 November 2010

Ready to start Block 2 Part 2 study session 8

Study session 7 completed. I am finding it really difficult to stick to word limits while still getting my point across with good grammar! Why use 100 words when 272 will do?!

Note to self:
Although I've answered CMA41 questions in my notes, I still have to complete it online.

Glad it's Friday, no more work at work for a couple of days :-)

Note 2 to self:
...Just submitted CMA41, I forgot it was that quick and easy!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Making Information Cities Livable

I am now here.

Just quickly read a journal article with the above name, accessed here and answered the first related activity question. I've had a little practice with the Harvard style of referencing other authors' works, gained during M150 study (fortunately - it's not that easy!).

Completed Block 2 Part 2 study session 6

It would seem that numerous people in the communications industry pedicted the rise of VoIP, and even its consumption of traditional PSTN telephony, in 2005 and perhaps before. I wonder why it doesn't appear to be close to doing so? When will the old 'landline' become defunct, and why hasn't it already?

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Block 2 Part 2 study session 6

Just completed Block 2 Part 2 study session 5. This included discussion on MUDs (multi-user dungeons) which are text based 'social adventures' (my own words!). Do these still exist? Do people still play them?

...apparently there are, and people do! Here's one called Aardwolf and here's a screenshot:

I am now here in my study.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Block 2 Part 2 study session 4 (4.5)

I am here now.

Study Session 4 of Block 2 Part 2 introduces databases. I have a useful amount of experience in working with databases, but hopefully this material will refresh my memory and maybe fill any gaps!

Friday 12 November 2010

News Group Hierarchy?

Just completed Activity 12 in Study Session 3 of Block 2 Part 2. The activity is related to news groups, which we are told are structured as a hierarchy. Can't see much evidence of this in Google Groups, though!

I am now here.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Ready to begin Study Session 3 (Part 2 Block 2)

I am here.

Study session 2 introduced the TCP/IP protocols - it's getting interesting now! I've just finished CMA01 too, so that is ready to submit when appropriate.

A useful looking resource that I've not used before is Webopedia - the definitions are not very long or detailed, but seem pretty concise.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Progress in Block 2 Part 2

I am here.


Some useful advice on the use of paragraphs:

Dividing your work into paragraphs
  • Good paragraphs divide your assignment according to topics or major points.
  • Each paragraph should discuss just one main idea and your reader should be able to identify what the paragraph is about. Each new paragraph should indicate a change of focus.
  • Paragraphs often start with a topic sentence or part of a sentence – a statement which is expanded on in the rest of the paragraph. (Try reading only the first sentence of each paragraph of a newspaper article. You can get a flavour of the key points for the whole text.)
  • The topic sentence acts as a ‘signpost’ directing your reader through the essay and should also relate back to the assignment question.
From "Skills for OU Study", 2010.

Monday 8 November 2010

Block 2 Part 2 progress

I am here.

Some handy simple descriptions of synchronous and asynchronous communications:

If the communication is in real time it is called synchronous. In synchronous online communication, all participants must be connected to the network simultaneously for as long as they are communicating (e.g., a chat room) communication.

In asynchronous communication the message is sent at one point in time and the recipient can pick it up later, when they choose to.
Chipmunk at Marwell Zoo, Twyford, UK (2008)
And finally, a random photo of a chipmunk, taken in 2008 at Marwell Zoo, just outside Winchester in the UK. His or her other ear is partly missing, poor thing!

I've been to a number of zoos and wildlife parks in the UK, but Marwell is probably the best of them. Some time ago I was taken to the San Diego Wildlife Park while visiting a friend - it was awesome!

I think I might make this my Blogger profile pic :-)

Saturday 6 November 2010

Completed Block 2 Part 1

Oops, I've forgotten a couple of time to make a short posting.

Just completed Block 2 Part 1 - loads of activities in there (31 of them) and many of them quite useful. I've also seen the score for my first marked TMA of T175... and it's not bad, but there is certainly room for improvement!

Monday 1 November 2010

Completed Block 2 Part 1 study session 6

Now completed Completed Block 1 Part 1 study session 6, ready to start study session 7.

The 'Warriors of the Net' video, a light-hearted introduction to some internet technology, was really well made! A great way to ease into some terms such as packet, router, switch router, proxy, and firewall.

Also started CMA41 by answering the first 3 questions.