Sunday, 22 May 2011

Completed EMA - hooray!

Just completed and uploaded the final version of my ECA for T175 - and I made sure that I did it a few days before the deadline to avoid that last minute mad rush that will no doubt make OU's servers explode!

I was going to write a review for T175, but since this (I think) its last presentation before being merged with the M150 module, it won't be of any use to anyone.

Just got to wait for 3-4 months for the final result now!

Monday, 16 May 2011

First draft submitted for T175 EMA

As per advice given in several places, I've just submitted a first draft of my EMA for T175.

I haven't finished all of the questions, or thoroughly checked my work so far, but I think that it would be enough to gain the minimum EMA mark required (40%). I've done this to ensure that there is no chance of failing the whole module because of leaving my submission too late, problems with a busy OU submissions system, or any other issues. I wouldn't relish having to do (and pay for) the whole module all over again!

Saturday, 7 May 2011

T175 ECA - Q2 Completed

Just completed the web page required for Q2 concerning information about VPNs and Private Networks. This took quite some time! I'm fairly happy with what I have for it though.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Progress in the T175 ECA

I've completed Q1 and Q4 of the ECA (End of Course Assessment) for T175.

I thought I'd be a little bit clever and do Q4 first, because it relates the last area studied in the cource material (eGovernment) - the idea being that I would remember a lot of it and not have to re-read a lot of stuff.


It made little difference really, I still had to re-read a lot of stuff. But I'm glad that Q4 is done, because I think I'll enjoy answering the others more, being a little more interested in the subject areas.