Wednesday 29 September 2010

Block 1, Part 1, Study Session 1

Completed Block 1, Part 1, Study Session 1 of 2.

Found a useful website for ICT and general business terms:

Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Good Study Guide

I've just orderd a copy of "The Good Study Guide" from Amazon, on recommendation from another student in an OU forum. It's 300-and-something pages long! I need a guide to studying the guide to studying!

Also just realised that there is an empty learning journal available on my T175 home page. Oh well, I'll keep using this one for now.

Monday 27 September 2010

First problem - Can't access Weekly study planner template

Oh dear, I have a problem accessing something I'm going to need from my StudentHome page on the OU website.
The link to a Weekly study planner template isn't working for me - I'm getting a message that says:

Open University Authorisation Denied

Sorry, you are not authorised to access this page.
This page belongs to a service that you are not authorised to use.

I've posted the problem in the T175 tech support forum, along with a few other students.

Box unpacked

The study books and media are unpacked.
Note to self: check the contents against the checklist - don't want to find out too late that something essential is missing!

Reading some guidelines and posts by others beginning the course, it seems that keeping a learning journal is a good idea. Never kept one before, so I'm winging it!

Edit: it is a good idea: see T175 Block 1 Companion, page 5, "Key skills" no. 7 - Begin to keep a learning journal.

Saturday 25 September 2010


This is my learning journal for Open University module T175, beginning 2nd October 2010.